
These programs/code snippets can be found on my Github page or by following the links below.

Cost effectiveness analysis: This program runs a simple cost effectiveness analysis comparing two strategies with three health states. It can be augmented to compare more than two strategies and any number of health states. It should also be noted that this program is a work in progress and was my first foray into Python. So please let me know if there are any bugs or weird output.

Web-scraper: This is a scraper to pull misdemeanor data from Travis County Clerk’s office website, and shows two methods of pulling the data from the websites. It pulls three types of web pages: 1) The summary of defendants by date, 2) the defendant’s details, and 3) the defendant’s disposition details. Finally, the program outputs the three datasets to CSV files.

dBASE to CSV converter: This code snippet converts a database file (.dbf) to a comma separated file (.csv) since most statistical software packages don’t use .dbf anymore. To use, simply drop the file in the folder with your .dbf files and run.

Fuzzy match strings: This code allows fuzzy matching from strings in a Stata dataset to an excel file. It was based on an online tutorial, which I can no longer find so at least some of the commands are not my creation. I used Florida’s AHCA data and the SK&A dataset to match hospital names, but this should be adaptable to multiple datasets.